
Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice receives new defibrillator thanks to VolkerRail

VolkerRail has helped Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice secure a new community public access defibrillator (CPAD), as part of our ongoing support of the local charity


A CPAD works in the same way as the more commonly known AED (automated external defibrillator), but is located in a public area, rather than being in a building or organisation, allowing its use should anyone require it.

An AED defibrillator was originally offered to VolkerRail by Humberside Fire and Rescue (HFR), following our team’s efforts at their yearly Rescue Day event. As VolkerRail already has AED units in all of our main offices, we quickly decided to work with HFR to upgrade the device, making it suitable for donation to Bluebell Wood.

VolkerRail has a long running and supportive partnership with Bluebell Wood and has, over the last 6 years, donated nearly £14,000 to the charity through our close calls campaign and regular charity events.

The CPAD will be located in a locked cabinet outside of Bluebell Wood’s hospice in North Anston, Sheffield, and will be available to the public by dialling 999 and receiving an access code. They will then be able to unlock the cabinet and follow the instructions to administer potentially live saving treatment.

Speaking of the donation, VolkerRail HSQES director, Stuart Spriggs said: “Through our work with HFR they very kindly offered a donation of a defibrillator which we immediately thought of donating to Bluebell Wood through our long association with this incredible charity.

“The timing could not have been better as Bluebell Wood were in the process of reviewing their requirements and had identified the need for one of these units that could be used for both adults and children to which HFR said they could accommodate.

“We couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome.”

Speaking on behalf of Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, in-house care team manager Catherine Jackson said: “We’d like to say a huge thank you to VolkerRail for donating a defibrillator to Bluebell Wood.

“As a hospice, we had identified the need for a defibrillator and were about to buy one ourselves when VolkerRail contacted us with their generous offer. This kind donation means we can reallocate the money we would have spent, to support the local children and families we care for.”

For more information on Bluebell Wood visit:

For more information on CPADs, visit: