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Carbon Reduction Strategy

VolkerWessels UK has today published its Carbon Reduction Strategy, setting out its target of being Net Zero by 2035 for all Scope 1 and 2 emissions, and for those Scope 3 emissions which are under its direct control.

To support its strategy, VolkerWessels UK is a signatory of the Science Based Targets Initiative ‘Business Ambition to 1.5°C’, confirming that the group has committed to setting a science-based target that is in line with a 1.5°C future.

The group will achieve this target primarily through ambitious carbon reduction, and secondly through robust and credible, gold standard offsets for its unavoidable emissions. From 2025, the business will introduce 10% year-on-year incremental offsetting, culminating in full offset by 2035.

VolkerWessels UK will continue to work with its clients, its supply chain and its procurement teams, to promote sustainable choices of materials, and to stimulate a downward trend in emissions resulting from the materials used on its projects.

Progress towards this carbon reduction target will be externally verified through VolkerWessels UK’s Planet Mark certification, to ensure credibility and transparency.

The group has publicised its drivers for change, which are:

  • Ensuring robust data
  • Creating targeted reduction plans for key emission sources
  • An inspiring and engaging education and awareness programme for our employees and supply chain
  • Collaboration with our Clients and supply chain

The Carbon Reduction Strategy includes a specific Carbon Reduction Plan for each business in the group, aligning with the requirements of Policy Procurement Notice (PPN) 06/21 – ‘taking account for carbon reduction plans in major government contracts’.

For more information read the full Carbon Strategy and Carbon Reduction plan for VolkerRail Specialist Businesses.