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Network Rail awards Acton contract to VolkerWessels UK

Network Rail has awarded VolkerRail, an operating company of VolkerWessels UK, a £15.5m contract for works at Acton freight yard, West London as part of the Crossrail programme.

VolkerRail will be jointly delivering the contract to remodel Acton freight yard, with sister company VolkerFitzpatrick. This work includes plain line track renewals, installation of new switches and crossings, associated switch operating mechanisms and modification to the overhead line system on the main line. These advanced works will be completed by early 2013, with the remaining programme of work for Acton, including a diveunder, due for completion in 2016.

When Crossrail services begin in 2018, even more trains will travel along the Great Western main line so work is needed to improve capacity in the area. Acton freight yard is a significant part of the network and an important railway asset. However, to enter and leave the yard, trains currently need to cross main line passenger tracks.

The plans for these modifications to the yard and a new diveunder, which is currently out for tender, will enable freight trains to leave the yard without affecting passenger trains and provide increased capacity for freight.

Jorge Mendonca, Crossrail programme director, Network Rail, said: "The work at Acton is an important step in delivering a more reliable service for passengers while providing more capacity in the Paddington approaches area. Network Rail is transforming the railway to make Crossrail a success and is working with many partners, including VolkerRail and VolkerFitzpatrick, to produce something that is safe, efficient and cost-effective."

Stuart Birch, major projects director for VolkerRail, said: "After completing the early works for Acton, we are delighted to have won this contract, which will result in our involvement to completion. This is a great opportunity for us to work together with our sister company VolkerFitzpatrick to demonstrate our complementary capabilities and experiences. Together VolkerRail and VolkerFitzpatrick are a strong force; which is further strengthened with the backing of our parent company, VolkerWessels UK. We are sure this strength enables us to deliver a successful project while working collaboratively with Network Rail."

Network Rail is responsible for the design, development and delivery of the parts of Crossrail that are on the existing network, covering 43 miles of track and 28 stations from Maidenhead in the west to Abbey Wood and Shenfield in the east