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VolkerRail join forces with social enterprise to sustainably repurpose waste wood

VolkerRail has teamed up with local social enterprise - Community Wood Recycling - for a new, environmentally friendly approach to recycling and repurposing waste wood.

The scheme, which has so far collected six and a half tonnes of wood from our sites in Doncaster – not only helps reduce the cost of disposing of wood, but also repurposes, recycles and reuses it, bringing environmental benefits. 

VolkerRail’s head of environment and sustainability, Kat Haigh, said: “We’re always looking for ways of being more sustainable and the services offered by Community Wood Recycling contribute to this commitment. Their unique process of repurposing wood rather than using standard chipping methods ensures the value of the wood is not lost, and also provides local training and volunteering opportunities to help people get back into work. 

“This partnership also helps us create social value in the communities where we work, supporting the growth of responsible local businesses and creating healthier and safer communities. It also helps us protect and enhance our natural environment as we strive toward zero unavoidable waste to landfill.”

Community Wood Recycling managing director, Richard Mehmed said: “We’re delighted to be partnering with VolkerRail to save precious resources and promote the circular economy. This partnership will also change the lives of disadvantaged people by building their confidence and giving them the skills they need to get into employment. We look forward to continuing to build on this new relationship.”