Salvation Army Christmas Present Appeal

VolkerWessels UK supports the Salvation Army’s Christmas present appeal

Offices across VolkerWessels UK, in Doncaster, Scunthorpe, Hoddesdon and Worcester, took part in the Salvation Army's Christmas present appeal, to help give a happier Christmas to more children.

The Salvation Army works hard each year to ensure thousands of children wake up with presents to open on Christmas day, matching up the toys and gifts that are donated to specific children in need.

Several of our offices ran the initiative this year, with both employees and suppliers getting involved, collecting donations and delivering them to their local Salvation Army centres. As you can see from the pictures, an enormous number of gifts were collected, and our staff dug deep to help out this wonderful cause.

Joanna Clayton, from the Salvation Army in Doncaster, showed her appreciation, saying: "We are so, so grateful. You’ve done really well. So, well done and thank you!"

If you would like to find out more about this charity, then please visit the Salvation Army’s website.